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The 2015 Bracken bashing team
Get involved

Join in, learn skills, volunteer, connect and celebrate

We'd love for you to get involved with the work of Morecambe Bay Partnership. We've lots of opportunities available whether you fancy some practical conservation work such as bracken bashing or would like to learn some heritage skills such as archive research. We can't make great things happen without you.

Get Involved

Our supporters make the Bay a better place by sharing skills, volunteering and donating. From birds to beach cleans, from cycleways to the history that shaped us, by working together, we can make the Bay thrive.

Explore these pages to find out about all the opportunities currently available. If you are passionate about preventing pollution, head over to the LOVEmyBEACH page, or if you'd like to join a team helping to conserve and celebrate the heritage of the Bay, we are always adding new opportunities about workshops or volunteer parties.

But you don't have to give up lots of time to get involved - we run an annual programme of events and activities - both online and out in the real world. Most of these events are free of charge but require you to sign up in advance. Look out for the new Autumn programme for the Sunset Series and Heritage Open Day events coming soon.

For those who don't have any time to spare but can spare some pennies - we are grateful for any donations to support our projects. Your donations contribute to the maintenance of special heritage sites, opening up access for disabled people, caring for the Bay's wildlife and much more.

How you can get involved with our work

Beach clean 2019 image 2


What’s your passion? We have many volunteering opportunities available at different times of the year supporting a wide range of…

Children Engagement MBP


How would you like to help make a difference to Morecambe Bay? Choose a monthly gift or one off donation…

litter picking with Freedom Confectionery
Walkers Arnside Knott J Haughton
Webres 2019 070119 MBP More To Explore Tramper 162

Volunteer Application

Personal Details
Emergency Contact
Volunteer Opportunities

Please let us know which project(s) you are interested in and how you heard about them

Project *
Medical Information / Health & Safety

The organisers of all activities will, in their duty of care to you, carry out appropriate health and safety checks and undertake risk assessments as necessary. They will advise you on safe practice to undertake the tasks. However you are also responsible for your own health and safety.

Some volunteer activities for Morecambe Bay Partnership may occasionally involve physical or strenuous activity. In order to prevent any undue risk to your health and safety, please read the following declaration, tick as appropriate, and sign below:


Photography/Film/Audio Declaration

Photographs, film and audio may be recorded for use by Morecambe Bay Partnership in publicity materials including exhibitions, social media, press releases, presentations and our website.

Media Release

Data Protection

We take your privacy seriously. We will only use the personal information completed here in line with our Privacy Policy for the purposes of volunteering. We may share your information with third parties, for example, if they are running a volunteer session and need it for health and safety reasons. All data provided will be stored securely. You can request for your data to be removed from our system at any time.

Staying in Touch

Some of our volunteer opportunities may require references and you will be advised by project officers. If required, you will be asked to complete an additional form before you can begin.